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The Old Mill Savings Bank

The Old Mill
Savings Bank.
Given for one new name.
This Savings Bank is an invention of our own, and is
designed to aid our younger subscribers in saving their money.
Within the Bank there is one compartment in which is
contained a mechanical motor of novel design. This motor is arranged for
storing up (by means of winding) considerable power or energy.
By means of stop-works only a stated amount of power is
given out at every thirty revolutions of the large wheel of the "wind
Suppose a piece of money has been dropped into the
aperture at the top of the Bank. The piece of money sets off the
stop-work, and away turns the wind-mill like a thing of life, making
about thirty revolutions. Click! the wheel stops, and the mill is
ready for another penny.
The penny drops into the Bank vault to help
swell the amount "on deposit." If the president, cashier, and board of
directors are judicious in their management of the affairs of the Old
Mill Bank, the first year's business ought to show a large dividend.
Another Use for the Bank. With the Bank children
can raise considerable money at fairs and bazaars. On such occasions
people are always willing to pay to see the "wheels go round." In fact
this will prove true at your own home, especially if you keep the mill
wound ready for every coming breeze.
Given for one new name. Price, $1. Postage and packing,
20 cts., when sent as a premium or purchased. |