Savo Bank A rather simple mechanical bank devoid of any great redeeming features is our choice as No. 308 in the numerical classification. This is the Savo Bank made of tin with no coin trap. The only way to get the coins out of the bank is to destroy it, cut the bottom out or whatever. So on this basis and due to this fact, it is not an easy bank to find in pristine condition. The bank shown is from the fine collection of Wally Tudor of Chicago, Illinois. It is in all original condition and practically mint. The lever on top, when moved to the left, allows a coin to be placed in the provided section. On moving the lever to the right, the coin section moves to the left, depositing the coin inside the can. This is all there is to it, there isnt any more. Colors of the bank and figures are in red, white, blue, brown and yellow. The example shown represents a drum with a variety of figures in various costumes of dress. On the top, in blue, is the name "SAVO BANK." Under this appears "Trade Mark Reg. U.S. Pat. Off." On the bottom, stamped in the metal, is the following: "MADE IN U.S.A.," "PATS - 1443943 1804733 1838650." These patent dates run from 1923 to 1932. The writers example of this bank is very much the same as the one shown, except it is a drum with no figures. It is an orange-yellow with red and black. All else is the same as already described. Another example of this bank, in the writers collection, is rectangular in shape, and this is Type II. The name on the top of this example, in a sort of purple-violet, is "SAVO SAVING BANK." It carries one patent number only with other patents pending. The number is 1443943. Based on this, it is earlier and made before the drum type. Figures of animals are around the sides of the bank. On the front is a jumping horse, on the back a jumping cow. Two cats are on one end and a cat and a dog are on the other. It is highly likely that other examples of this bank exist with different lithography, rectangular or round.