ANTIQUES, December 1966
Toy Banks That Made
Politicians Wince

PAYOFF — Iron, mechanical bank of the 1800's shows a
Tammany Hall politician reaching out for some money.
Toys for the children of the Victorian era were meant to amuse as well as
instruct. The popular mechanical banks were interesting to watch and also
inspired thrift.
A hidden political meaning crept into the design of
some toys. The Teddy bear bank pictured Theodore Roosevelt on a bear hunting
expedition. One bank had Uncle Sam putting your money in his suitcase.
The most scathing satire was the Tammany Hall bank. A
fat politician sat in his chair and took your penny and put it in his
pocket. The politician was made to resemble Boss Tweed, the boss of New
York. The bank was first made in 1873 and was made for several years after