For Your
during the Centennial Celebration
in Kansas City, Missouri
A Collection of Unusual Rarity
WE HAVE BEEN ABLE to secure through the courtesy of Mr. I. A. Long,
Vice President of the Mercantile Commerce Bank and Trust Co., St. Louis,
Missouri, part of his mechanical bank collection.
The oldest bank of this type is the mechanical alms box now in the
possession of the Metropolitan Museum in New York. Made of pottery, it
was made during the Han Dynasty of China in the second century B. C.
Savings banks of one kind or another appear to have been made and used
throughout practically every country and every era.
Our forefathers, not to be outdone, began in 1869, to popularize
the cast iron mechanical banks. Ingenious craftsmen tried to outdo
themselves in designing banks which would out-rival those previously
made — and it is this type of bank which has captured the eye of the
collector of today.
There have been many excellent collections and such collectors as
Henry Ford and Walter Chrysler are known to have owned very extensive
ones. Mr. Long's collection has received some very fine publicity
wherever it has been exhibited.
You will see on display in our lobby some twenty-five mechanical
banks. These will be displayed and demonstrated for your enjoyment.