Banker Treasures Rare Toys
Dealer Special)
FOSTORIA, O., June 25 — Believed to be one of the country's leading
collectors of old toy banks, Andrew Emerine, president of the First National
Bank of Fostoria, has enlarged the scope of his hobby by acquiring all kinds of
unusual mechanical toys.
The leader in Emerine's
strange procession of "mechanical persons" is "the Bubble Boy." a heavy-haired
dreamy-eyed youth who dips a pipe into a pewter bowl, raises it to his mouth and
blows a perfect bubble with each dip. A clockwork in the base keeps the boy at
play. Emerine estimates that the toy is 60 years old.
"Ulysses S. Grant" is a
tobacco addict who will smoke anything that is put into his hand, cigarettes
apparently being as welcome as a good 5-cent cigar. When the clockwork which
runs for five minutes after each winding is set in motion the toy general raises
the cigar to his lips, inhales a full draft of smoke and exhales the smoke.
Emerine uncovered this
toy in Washington and it is believed to have been produced in the late 1880's,
when Grant was at the peak of his popularity.
A toy bank, known as the
"Freedman Bank," is another of Emerine's prize collections. It shows a colored
gentleman, who sweeps in the coin with his left hand, while his read turns
slightly to display a well-satisfied smile.