John D. Meyer, Old Mechanical Penny Banks, 1952 Handbook, Banks 31-45
No. 31. Bull or Steer When coin is placed in slot in the back of the standing bull his horns move. (Not much of a bank.) $75.00 ($25.00 in 1939) No. 32. Bureau or Chest Wood. An ingenious invention made to represent a bureau with one drawer. You pull out the drawer and a picture of two Colonial Soldiers pops up in the back. Drop the coin in the drawer, close it, the picture drops down and the coin disappears. This is caused by a false bottom very well concealed. (The late Mr. Hull enjoyed a half-hour figuring this one out.) Elaborately decorated with Pennsylvania Dutch designs. 9-1/2" high by 6" square. $60.00 No. 33. Cabin Darky in door of small cabin turns a somersalt and kicks the coin through a slot in the roof, when the handle of the white-wash brush, hanging on the side of the cabin, is moved. Was called "Cabin Bank." Stevens. June 8, 1885. $20.00 ($3.50 in 1939) No. 34. Calamity or Foot Ball Three football players swing around and go into a huddle when the spring is released. Name "Calamity" on base. Quite a lot of action in this bank and rather intricate mechanism. Stevens. August 29, 1905. 798491. Pat. By James H. Bowen. $135.00 No. 35. Called Out U. S. Soldier standing in front of tent. When coin is deposited in the side of tent, another soldier pops up through the top of the tent. The Spanish-American war ended before these banks were completed and they were not even painted although a few of them were marketed. Stevens. $300.00 No. 36. Camera or Kodak Old fashioned camera on three legged base or tripod. Words "Camera Bank" on top. Sometimes called Kodak bank. Not much action to this bank other than a picture pops up when coin is inserted. 4" high, 4" long and 2" wide. Manufactured by Wrightsville Hardware Co., later the Grey Iron Casting Co., Mount Joy, Pa. $xxxxxx No. 37. Cannon, U.S. Shoots at mast of Spanish ship and knocks it down. Words "U.S." on Cannon and "Spain" on ship. The Manufacture of this bank was discontinued after the Spanish American war. 8-1/2 in. long, 2-1/2 in. wide. Stevens. July 12, 1898. d29049. $200.00 No. 38. Carnival A man with sledge hammer hits end of a bar and knocks the coin, placed on the other end, up through the groove in the upright, rings the bell and then falls into the base. Like the "Test Your Strength" machines seen at carnivals. Word "Carnival" on base. $200.00 No. 39. Cat and Mouse Resembling a clock. When lever is released the mouse disappears and an acrobat standing on his hands appears at the top. Stevens. April 21. 1891. 450833. Patented by James H. Bowen. $65.00 No. 40. Cat Chasing Mouse Out of the house. Snap a lever and the cat jumps into the house, mouse comes out of small opening beside the door where cat enters. Coin is placed in slot in cats back. The base and animals are cast iron while building is made of heavy sheet iron. $85.00 No. 41. Cat Jumps for Mouse Coin is placed in front of mouse. Press wire trigger and mouse appears, cat springs and mouse disappears while the coin is knocked into base. Base is 9-1/4 in. long, by 2-3/4 in. wide and 2-1/2 in. high. The cat which is 3-1/2 in. long with body about 1 in. thick sits on one end of the base ready to spring. 261419. July 18, 1882. Pat. By Charles A. Bailey. $xxxxxx No. 42. Chief Big Moon Indian is sitting in front of his teepee holding a fish. The deposited coin releases spring which causes a hidden frog to leap put of pond for the fish. The Indian pulls the fish out of the way when the frog jumps for it. Originally named "Indian Camp Bank" name "Chief Big Moon" in very small letters on base. Stevens. August 8, 1899. 630795. $50.00 ($20.00 in 1939) No. 43. Chimpanzee Little monkey cashier in ornate arched building at a desk, nods and writes in book when coin goes in. Bell rings. Name "Chimpanzee Bank" on front. 232511. September 21, 1880. Kyser & Rex. $125.00 No. 44. Chinaman In Boat With Rat on tray in bow of boat. It is said that this bank was given as a souvenir at a convention at Planters Hotel in either St. Louis or New Orleans. Press his queue and Chinaman flips over table top, the other side showing Rat on tray, knife and fork, etc., and "Dinner is Ready." In another place "Hotel Yacht Free Excursion, Music by the Band forward when it is not seasick." Made of soft lead or type metal. $xxxxxx No. 45. Chinaman, Reclining on what looks like a log, a Chinaman waves both hands, in one of which he holds playing cards exposing four aces when coin is deposited and a rat comes out of the end of the log. August 8, 1882. $110.00 |