John D. Meyer, Old Mechanical Penny Banks, 1952 Handbook, Banks 226-240 No. 226. Teddy and the Bear A figure of our illustrious President, wearing derby. He shoots the coin into the tree-trunk and the head of a grizzly bear emerges from the top. A variety has flat hat instead of Derby. February 19, 1907. 844910. Stevens. $30.00 No. 227. Telephone A replica of the early wall pay phone. Words "Pay Phone Bank" on front openings for nickels, dimes and quarters. Bell rings when you turn handle. Stevens. $20.00 No. 228. Trolley Motor Car When wound up the insertion of a coin in the slot will cause it to move rapidly a few yards, and ring a gong by an ingenious device. The mechanism can be disconnected and the car drawn like an ordinary wagon toy. Size 7-1/2" long, 3-1/8" wide and 4" long. Words "Motor Bank" and "125" on side. April 30, 1889. 402351 Stevens. $300.00 No. 229. Turtle A very small bank, 3-1/2" long, 2-1/2" high. The turtles feet are out of the shell giving the appearance of traveling, slowly of course. Place coin in slot in its back and out pops his head. Made by Kilgore Mfg. Co., Westerville, Ohio and called by them "Pokey, the Turtle." $400.00 No. 230. Uncle Remus Stealing chickens. Darky stands in chicken house in open door with sack of chickens in hand, when sprung door slams shut and Policeman jumps forward with lifted club, in front of closed door. Fence around two sides. Hen runs across lot, press her tail and policeman starts after Remus who ducks back in. pulling door shut quickly. Words "Uncle Remus Bank 136." $275.00 No. 231. Uncle Sam A typical American bank. Uncle Sam in his usual dress stove pipe hat, blue full dress coat and red and white striped trousers leaning on his ever-present umbrella, stands on a four by five inch base. On the base is a carpet bag which opens when lever is pressed and the coin placed in Uncle Sams extended hand falls into it. At the same time his whiskers start moving. The base has an embossed American Eagle on it and the words, "Uncle Sam" on streamers above it. The word "Bank" on each side. The trap is on back of base. Patented June 8, 1886. $35.00 No. 232. Uncle Sam Bust Moves beard when coin is deposited in slot in his head. Very small bank. Comes in silver color with red, white and blue hat band. Variety also in painted colors, flesh colored face, blue coat with red trimmings and red, white and blue hat. $75.00 No. 233. U.S. Bank Large bank building made by the manufacturers of New Bank same small gilt policeman in bank. Press porcelain top button and two heads, one of a colored boy and another of a dog appear at the windows. $200.00 No. 234. U.S. Soldier, Cuban Protected on top the base is a Cuban soldier standing with sword in hand. In front of him is a cover with design of an American flag on it. When you press the lever this cover flies up in front of the Cuban shielding him as he falls back and up comes a soldier with U.S. on front of his cap. He carries a gun and is dressed in the uniform of a soldier of the Spanish-American war. The soldier is very similar to the one in the "Called Out" bank. Bank is 9-1/4 in. long and 4 in. high. A large American Eagle on side of base. $200.00 No. 235. Uncle Tom Small bust of negro. Coin is deposited on the tongue. This bank operates differently from "Jolly Nigger." "Uncle" on one lapel and "Tom" on other. Variety, without lapels and has a star. One variety operates with lever in back of head, the other with lever between shoulders. January 24, 1882. 252607. $45.00 No. 236. Weedens Plantation Tin, built like an out-door stage, slanting roof. When wound up the two darkies on the stage perform, one seated, with his legs crossed plays the banjo and the other dances. On the one outside wall are the words crudely printed "Pete Johnson, Dancing lessons one cent" and on the other wall "Jig Dancing." On the back are printed instructions for operating. August 7, 1888. $75.00 ($20.00 in 1939) No. 237. William Tell Shoots the traditional apple off the boys head. A paper cap may be placed in receptacle and explodes when lever is pressed and shoots coin into castle after knocking apple off boys head. Stevens, June 23, 1896. d25662. (A made-up variety of this bank has a bow and arrow arrangement instead of the gun.) In old catalogues it was advertised as "The Tyrolese Bank." $25.00 ($9.00 in 1939) No. 238. Windmill To wind up you pull a string and when released the "propellers" are set in motion. A very small bank made of tin, painted in various colors. The motive power is provided by small rubber bands which in time wear out. (There are a lot better banks than this one.) $12.00 No. 239. Winner Savings Bank The outside of this bank is tin with a glass top. The inside mechanism is made of iron. On the top under the glass are six race horses, and when coin is inserted and lever pressed the horses race around the course and the one first stopping at the flag is the winner. Bank is elaborately decorated with pictures of horses. About five inches sq. and rather heavy. Words "The Winner Savings Bank" on front. Berger & Medau Mfgs. New York April 4, 1895. 538206. $xxxxxx No. 240. Wireless Square brick bank building with four white pillars in front, sides of building are of tin, rest of building of iron. Words "Wireless Bank" across the front. March 11, 1913. Hugo Mfg. Co. New Haven. This bank uses a dry battery, which magnetizes and holds down a metal flap on spring, on which coin is laid. Electrical contact is maintained at one place on side of bank by a hanging piece of metal. A sharp slap of hands or shout by one standing several feet away, jars this enough to break contact, and the "flap" flops over, throwing coin through hole in roof. It is clever and fools many who dont know about the magnet. $30.00 |